Featured Features: Fully-customizable mail templates

Another article on the topic “Featured Features” deals with the free choice of mail server at congreet. In other words, you can use your own server to send invitation and notification mails via congreet.

But you can not only configure the mail server. You can also add your own texts to all mails sent to participants via the congreet system. This allows you to send individual invitation and reminder emails and also to design all other notification emails that participants receive with your individual wording. Besides individual text you can also create your own
Use banner or key visual as email header.

You can personalize the following (notification) mails:Mailvorlagen

  • Invitation mail
  • Reminder mail
  • Notification of new contact proposals
  • Information that a keyword has been accepted or rejected
  • Notification mail that a participant has marked the profile as interesting
  • Notification that a new keyword is available for matching
  • Information that there is a new message or an appointment request in the tool

So you have the possibility to write your own mail templates and send your mails via your own mail server. 

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