About us

Who we are

congreet - Event & Community Software - Team

We are a “Software as a Service” provider based in Oberhaching in the south of Munich. We are passionate about digital solutions that are innovative and simplify and enrich people’s lives.

With our event software, we facilitate networking and interaction at business events and thus enable relevant contacts and valuable connections for the participants.
Our community software makes it possible for companies, associations, clubs and other organizations to set up their own online community and thus to offer their customers or members an exclusive place for networking and exchange.

congreet - Event & Community Software - Vision
Our vision

congreet is the platform where people can find each other
– online and offline

congreet - Event & Community Software - Mission
Our mission

Our mission is to provide the
best networking and matchmaking solution on the market.

congreet Event & Community Software - Motivation
Our motivation

Our motivation is the thought that people find each other 
because they use our software.

Founding history & development

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“You don’t even need to go there, there are just uninteresting people …” Alexander Krapp said to his colleague when he told him he wanted to go to a business event for venture capital. “When I was there a month ago, I only spoke to people who steal business ideas or are looking for a job – not interesting at all. Lifetime given away! “

“Imagine going up there and being able to see at a glance who you need to talk to. That can’t be that difficult, why hasn’t anyone invented it yet? his colleague replied.

Too many events, too few qualified contacts. The founders of congreet had attended numerous business events in their professional past. But they rarely established really good contacts, and if the did, then only by chance.

And so the idea of congreet was born.

All of this already happened in 2013. The agency of the founders of congreet implemented the idea and was one of the first companies in Germany to bring event networking software onto the market.
“But then at some point everyday life caught up with us again,” says Alex Krapp. “Our original business, a web agency, was going well and we concentrated on it – while the marketing of congreet fell asleep more and more – until Franz Wenzel called me at the end of 2017 and said he wanted to get in!”

Since then, the idea has been filled with new life and expanded more and more. The simple solution of meeting the right people has turned into a complex event app with many useful features. A community version was also developed in 2019 under the motto “From event to community”.

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The community software was created due to the great demand from customers. Events are usually carried out by the organizers with a great deal of effort. Unfortunately, there is often no sustainability in the relationship with the visitors. If, for example, they do not agree to a newsletter, the options for making contact later are severely limited and expensive.
An online community offers an ideal opportunity to combine “individual measures”, to stay in touch permanently and to build up an active base of people around a business topic.

In 2020, various expansions to the event software followed in order to take the changed needs of the organizers into account. The software has been optimized for virtual and hybrid events and expanded to include functions such as video chat.

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